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Finances SGC Editorial Team Finances SGC Editorial Team

How Lifestyle Deflation Can Help You Achieve Your Financial Goals

No matter how much you earn, if you're not managing your money wisely, you'll never achieve your financial goals. That's where lifestyle deflation comes in. By consciously making decisions to cut back on unnecessary expenses and live a more frugal lifestyle, you can free up more money to put towards your financial goals.

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Finances SGC Editorial Team Finances SGC Editorial Team

10 Ways You Can Raise Your Credit Score As a Single Working Woman

A credit score is one of those things that can seem like a mystery, but there are actually some simple things you can do to raise your credit score.

One thing you might not realize is that your credit score can have a big impact on your life. A good credit score can help you get a lower interest rate on a loan, it can help you get a better job, and it can even help you get insurance.

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