8 Benefits of Having a Platonic Relationship with the Opposite Sex

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a platonic relationship with the opposite sex? Many people are under the impression that men and women can’t just be friends. In fact, this is a prominent discussion in one our of favorite rom-com’s “When Harry Met Sally”. However, in reality, there are many benefits to having a platonic relationship with someone of the opposite sex. 

Here are some reasons why you should have one!

Qualities of Platonic Love

So what does platonic love mean exactly? Platonic love is a friendship in which the romance and sexual desire has been suppressed.

Platonic love is not a new concept that has been around for Many ancient philosophers believed in its power and importance to society. Plato referred to platonic love as “the romance of the mind which arises out of companionship.” The platonic relationship is also referred to as brotherly or sisterly love. It can involve feelings of admiration, respect, and appreciation for one another.

How To Maintain A Platonic Relationship

Building platonic relationships starts with a conversation. Both people in the platonic relationship must be open to genuinely connecting. If you’re going to be close friends, you have to really know each other and spend quality time together. This means meeting up regularly to go on adventures or taking day trips together. It’s also important to be there for each other through difficult times. When a platonic relationship is going well, both people can rely on each other to support and listen when they need it most.

Set Boundaries Early On

One of the best ways to maintain platonic relationships is by setting boundaries early. Focus on the conversation and getting to know each other as platonic friends first. Take time to enjoy life together as platonic friends, sharing similar interests and enjoying new adventures.

This allows platonic friends to feel free and comfortable with each other. They understand that they can share their thoughts and feelings, but there is a level of respect for one another. The platonic relationship involves having someone who gets you but doesn’t try to change you or judge you. It consists in feeling safe and secure with each other.

Benefits of a Platonic Relationship

Having platonic relationships with the opposite sex has many benefits that single women can benefit from. Here are 8 reasons why platonic relationships with the opposite sex are beneficial to you:

1. You will build self-esteem and confidence in yourself as a single woman.

2. You’ll learn how to be friends with men again after enduring hurtful breakups.

3. You’ll gain trust in your platonic relationship partner.

4. You will better understand male/female dynamics and differences between platonic friends vs. romantic couples.

5. Your platonic friendship can grow into something more if you meet someone new to date.

6. Like any true friend, platonic relationships with the opposite sex can help you through emotional lows.

7. Giving platonic love to someone of the opposite sex will bring more happiness into your life.

8. You’ll learn how to maintain platonic relationships and make time for them, even if you do decide to date or fall in love with someone else.

What to Do if Your Platonic Relationship Becomes Romantic?

If platonic love becomes romantic love, what should you do? Many single women have a common question when platonic love becomes romantic. If platonic love turns into romantic love, it is essential to communicate with each other about your feelings and how you will handle things should things not work out. Both partners need to make sure they maturely handle their feelings without expecting too much or too soon.

Sometimes platonic love transforms into romantic love for good. Other times the romantic relationships just don’t work out. If platonic relationships aren’t meant to be, you can both choose to remain friends or part ways knowing that you gave it your best effort. But it is essential to discuss this ahead of time and decide that you will both be comfortable with it.

Positive Impact of a Platonic Relationship

There are many benefits to having a platonic relationship with the opposite sex. As a single woman, the idea of becoming friends with a man can feel like a bad idea. But in reality, developing a platonic relationship can carry benefits you never even thought of.

Here are just a few reasons why platonic relationships are so great!

You Can Learn A Lot About Yourself

One of the best things platonic relationships have to offer is self-discovery. In many platonic relationships, friends grow from being acquaintances into close friends. It takes time for friends to open up and get to know each other. But in doing so, you can learn a lot about yourself. Together you will discover what you like and don’t like, what traits you value in all of your relationships, and what really makes you thrive.

Platonic Friends Can Make You More Creative

Do you ever feel like your creativity is stifled because your significant other comes with too many expectations? Well, platonic friendships may be just what you need.

Platonic relationships help you think outside of your comfort zone and feel more comfortable sharing yourself with others. This is great for creativity and innovation. And this can be applied not only in your personal life but your professional life as well.

You Can Build Confidence By Being Yourself

When platonic friends love each other, they love all of the unique things about one another. They accept each other exactly as they are, and this builds a sense of confidence in you that you can then carry into other aspects of your life.

Platonic Friends Help Each Other Grow As Individuals

Platonic relationships offer an opportunity to learn about yourself and how you can be a better person. For friends to help one another grow, they need to be selfless and patient.

Sometimes we don’t know the answer or direction we should take in life, but male friends can offer insight and guidance where there is none. Building a platonic relationship with the opposite sex can hold the potential to become a life-long mentor and friend.

Platonic Friends Can Be Great For Coping With Sadness or Loss

When you experience loss, platonic relationships can help you feel less alone and give you someone to lean on. It’s essential to have platonic relationships as a single woman because platonic friends offer the comfort you would receive from a significant other without extra baggage or drama. They can also help pull you out of a slump and motivate you to keep going.  

Platonic Friends Help Us Get Over Our Exes

Whether you are the one who is still heartbroken over an ex or your spiritual friend is the one who is still heartbroken over an ex, platonic relationships can help heal old wounds. When platonic friends love each other, they build a strong connection with one another that has the potential to last long after their exes are out of the picture.

Learn to Lean On Men Again

If you’re like most single women, perhaps you’ve found it challenging to let men into your life again after experiencing the pain of breakups or feeling betrayed by some guy you trusted. Having platonic relationships with men can help heal the wounds inflicted by your last relationship.

When platonic relationships are strong, both men and women grow to respect one another as platonic friends. Both genders can rely on each other for support when they need it the most. If you’re single, having platonic relationships with men is a great way to meet new people as platonic friends as well as potential suitors. It’s also a great way to build more trust in people and learn how male/female dynamics work without the complications of dating. Platonic relationships can be therapeutic and fun. You never know, you might find that platonic love is even better than romantic love!


The power of platonic relationships with the opposite sex is undeniable. It takes time to heal from past hurts and build trust for future relationships, but it’s worth every ounce of effort you put into them. 

Your life will be enriched by a new perspective on how men work that offers more hope than ever before. You owe yourself this chance at happiness! Give these tips a try and see what happens…you might just find your match who shares your values waiting in line next to you at your local coffee shop tomorrow morning!

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